Economics Department main page ECO1410 - Urban Economics
Spring 2024 Schedule
Professor Matthew Turner
Department of Economics
Brown University


The following schedule describes the material to be covered during the term. The dates on which particular material will be covered and when asignments are subject to change depending on our rate of progress. Please check this schedule at least weekly for updates and changes.

Topic Reading Problems Solutions
#0:Introduction. Logistics.
Jan 24
Course description and requirements
#1: The Monocentric City Model
Jan 24, Jan 29, Jan 31, Feb 5
Notes #1
  • Breuckner Ch. 2 , to section 2.4
PS#1, due Feb 7. solution
#2: Evidence for the Monocentric Model
Feb 7, 12
Notes #2
Recommended: PS#2, due Feb 14. solution
#3: Monocentric city model with housing
Feb 14, 26
(No class Feb. 21)
Notes #3
These two readings are pretty similar. Pick the one you like best. and
PS#3, due Feb 29. solution
#4: Urbanization in the developed and developing world
Feb 28, Mar 4
Notes #4
Required: Recommended: PS#4, due Mar 7. solution
#5: White Flight, Gentrification, and Bid-Rent
Mar 8, 11
Notes #5
Required: PS#5, due Mar 19. solution
In class midterm, regular classroom
Mar 13
2022 midterm
2024 midterm
#6: The Monocentric City with Heterogenous Households
Mar 18, 20, April 1,3
Notes #6
Recommended: PS#6, due Apr 9. solution
#7: The Rosen-Roback Model and the Quality of Life
April 8, 10
Notes #7
  • Breuckner Ch. 11
  • Sinha et al. JUE 2021 This is harder than I'd like, but the best I can find. Just try to get through equation 7.
PS#7, due Apr 16. solution
#8: Agglomeration Economies
Apr 15, 17
Notes #8
Required: Recommended: PS#8, due Apr 23. solution
#9: Systems of cities and Zipf's law
April 22, 24
Notes #9
Required: Recommended: PS#9, due Apr. 29 solution
#10: Sorting, local publc finance, and a simple model of heterogenous agents
Notes #10
Required: Recommended: PS#10, not collected.
#11: Traffic congestion and infrastructure
  • TBD
  • TBD
Take Home Final exam
May 13, 2024, 5pm, CANVAS
Take home final 2024
Take home final 2023
FInal 2022