Brown Eonomics Department Matthew Turner
Department of Economics
Box B
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
headshot 201407

Office hours for Spring 2025

Wednesdays 3:00-4:00pm, beginning January 22

I will miss: TBD

If you would like to talk to me, please sign up for a slot here. Take one or two 10 minute slots depending on how long you think your question(s) will take. Please try to take a slot next to one that is already filled, if you can. I am also happy to see students on a drop in basis, but will give precedence to those who signed up.

You do not need to ask for permission before you come to office hours.

If you would like to talk to me on zoom rather than in person, please (1) sign up for as you would for an in-person regular slot (2) send me an email letting me know you would like to meet on zoom (so I know to turn zoom on), and (3) meet me in my zoom room at Please only request this if you cannot get to campus.

Office hours for(1410 TAs -- Starting January 2025 ):
Annie Herring: TBD
Alexia Embiricos:TBD